Breast Cancer Survivors Raise Big Bucks for Foundation, FitzPatrick Cancer Center

Organizers inspired by care at FCC

Connected by friendship, grateful to beat breast cancer and inspired by the compassionate care they received, two North Country women organized and hosted a fundraiser that will benefit cancer patients in the region for years to come. Lisa McGinn and Chris Bigelow are also hoping it demonstrates the power of community-based generosity and the benefits such an event can offer to The Foundation of CVPH and the many lives it touches, while convincing others to take action and give back in any way t [...]

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Turning the Tide Against COVID-19 During Thanksgiving

What we all need to think of before the holiday

COVID-19 is spreading faster and wider in our region than we have seen before. And, with Thanksgiving right around the corner, this opportunistic virus is ready to take a stronger grip on our community if we are not careful. Many of us are thinking about spending time with family and friends we have not seen in person for a long time due to the pandemic. Thanksgiving traditionally brings our loved ones together to watch football, catch up with each other and share a meal. It seems harmless [...]

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Chelsey Bushey Understands that Great Patient Care Comes In Many Forms

Chelsey makes a difference every day.

Cancer Peer Educator Chelsey Bushey knows that there are truly many ways to make a meaningful difference in the lives of the people we serve. She’s been part of the CVPH team for a little over 5 years working first as a Transporter and later, as a Clinical Assistant. Both positions allowed her to share her compassion and kindness and gave her the opportunity to assist patients when they needed it most.  “I love patient care – helping people,” Chelsey said. So t [...]

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Words Matter: Using our Voices to Speak Out Against Dangerous Speech

By: Michelle LeBeau, President, Alice Hyde Medical Center & CVPH Matt Jones, Chief Operating Officer, Alice Hyde Medical Center Kent Hall, MD, Regional Vice President of Medical Affairs Wouter Rietsema, MD, Vice President Population Health and Information Services, CVPH As headline after headline brings to us news of the latest horrific act of violence, we are compelled to speak up.  It’s no longer enough to send our “thoughts and prayers” to the people of Chicag [...]

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Singing Happy Birthday Can Be Good for Your Health!

Infection Prevention Professionals Recommend Diligent Handwashing, Flu Vaccine

Who knew that singing the Happy Birthday song could be good for your health?  Infection prevention professionals say that singing the song two consecutive times while washing your hands with soap and water can help protect you flu and other infectious disease. It is one of the most basic steps we can take to protect ourselves and regular hand washing does amazing things to lower the risk of becoming sick, according to Kristen Broughton, an infection prevention and control nurse at CVPH [...]

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Seizing Every Opportunity to Make a Dfference

Kim Bracey, RN, helps a family stuggling to keep a loved one safe

Fortunately for one local family, Kim Bracey, RN of the Emergency Department and Intensive Care Unit is a life-long learner – on and off duty.  In addition to many years of service to CVPH, Kim has been a dedicated member of the Morrisonville Ambulance Service.  To be the best for her patients, at the bedside and in the field, Kim stays current with new practices, programs and services. It’s at one such EMS educational event that Kim met Sgt. William Dominy of the Clinton C [...]

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Spiritual Care Week Activities Foster Understanding

Spiritual Care's role in the healing process celebrated

 “One of the things that I’ve learned over the years is that education and knowledge lead to more tolerance for others,” said Robert Basom, CVPH Interfaith Chaplain. “A lack of understanding can lead to prejudice toward other faiths, other cultures.” With that thought in mind, Chaplain Bob invited Rabbi Kari Tuling of Temple Beth Israel and leaders of the local Baha’i faith, Lynn Neale and Joanne Britner to discuss their faith as a way to foster a bett [...]

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CVPH Volunteer Kit Booth: Moving Forward by Giving Back

Helping Patients One Visit at A Time

The Emergency Department is a perfect assignment for Kit Booth.  In that fast-paced environment, he’s able to make genuine connection with someone in need.  It seems to come naturally to this affable and authentic gentleman.  As part of a corps of volunteers assigned to the Emergency Department – which sees close to 54,000 patients each year, Kit visits patients to see what they may need to make their stay more comfortable. “Maybe it’s a warm blanket or a d [...]

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A Man With A Plan

Mike Cahoon Is Committed To Keeping His Community Safe

If Mike Cahoon shows up to work bleary eyed and a bit sluggish, no one wonders anymore what he’s been up to. Mike is the CVPH Director of Emergency Management and has served as the chief of the Chazy Fire Department for 20 years so it’s likely he’s been up most of the night with other dedicated volunteer firefighters dousing a fire. He’s been a volunteer firefighter for 32 years and has become expert at balancing family life with his career and his intensive involvemen [...]

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CVPH Veterans conduct Flag Retirement Ceremony

Event was prompted by Skilled Nursing Facility resident

It’s a little before 10 a.m. on June 14. Residents of the CVPH Skilled Nursing Facility are gathered around the flag pole on the front lawn of the hospital taking their rightful place in the front row to witness what will be CVPH’s first annual Flag Retirement Ceremony.  After all, it was their idea.  Retired Air Force Veteran Ken Thayer, RN, explains to the audience that the ceremony is taking place because a resident asked, “What does CVPH do for Flag Day?” [...]

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Lois Wenger Uses Technology to Improve Lives

Teacher, Trainer, Bone Marrow Donor Lois Touches Many Lives

To anyone at CVPH who is faced with learning new software or struggling to make the most of their current system, Lois Wenger, a computer support specialist in the Information Services and Support Department is a life saver. With a warm smile, quick wit and frequently, some home-baked goods, Lois can be counted upon to help staff use complex technology to benefit their patients.  But for Lois, helping people is more than her job; it’s her life’s mission. Offering help, provid [...]

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