Transition Success Program Helps Patient Get Home Sooner
The Difference Your Donations Make

A recent foot surgery patient is a shining example of what The Foundation of CVPH’s Transition Success program can do.
Beverly Duffina knows her way around the shops and stores across the North Country. But as the region began to slowly re-open following an initial lockdown in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Mooers, NY resident suddenly found herself sitting in a hospital bed instead of searching for sales.
“I’m trying to get better to go shopping,” Beverly said in her room at CVPH. “That’s my goal. The stores are opening up now.”
Beverly had to go to the hospital to get surgery due to complications she’s had with her feet most of her life and Diabetes. She spent 5 days at CVPH recovering. But, that’s a lot less than what her length of stay would have been without the Transition Success program.
The program helps pay for prescriptions, medical equipment and other necessities that allow patients to recover at home much sooner and prevent them from being readmitted to the hospital. In this case, thanks to community donations to the program, the Foundation was able to cover Beverly's bill for IV antibiotic treatments at home.
Without that help, she would have had to stay at CVPH 8 days longer to get all the treatments she needed.
“It’s always better to be home than away,” Donald Duffina, Beverly’s husband of 51 years, said. “There are certain times when you should be in the hospital, for sure. But, there comes a time when you just feel better being at home.”
Being able to recover at her house in Mooers instead of the hospital also gives Beverly more peace of mind.
“It’s more relaxing,” she admitted. “And knowing that I don’t have to worry about home. He (Donald) has a defibrillator, so I worry about not being home if something happens to him while I’m not around.”
As Beverly’s foot gets better, she’s looking forward to taking long walks again – with her husband and while bargain hunting.
The Foundation purchases equipment and helps fund programs that otherwise would not be possible at the hospital. You can make a difference in the lives of our patients and the entire community by donating here.