Making Time in Busy Schedule for CVPH - Judy Powers, Volunteer

Each year, we set aside time in April in celebrate and honor our CVPH Volunteers. More than 200 hardworking and caring individuals contribute over 25,000 hours of service annually here. Their contributions of time, energy and expertise make our organization better, enhance our patients experience and help our people. They support our mission to work together to improve people’s lives. Please join us during National Volunteer Week in thanking our friends and colleagues for all they do.


Judy Powers -

For 25 Years, Judy Powers has made time in her busy schedule for CVPH. She became a volunteer a year after the company she worked for, Plattsburgh Grocery, shuttered its doors for good.  “I stayed home for about year but I was getting bored and missed being with people,” she explained. Her husband, whom she has known since she was 5 years old, was still working and her daughter was an adult and out on her own. The days could be long.  “I knew someone who was volunteering at the hospital and they told me I should call the director so I did.” 

She began her career as a CVPH volunteer working in the Quality/Risk Management Department. She helped assemble and mail the Press Ganey Surveys that sought feedback from patients about their experience at CVPH.  The skills that were fine tuned in her working life were valuable assets to that CVPH team. Since then, those organizational and customer service talents have helped a number of departments including Administration, The Foundation of CVPH, Marketing & Communications, the Volunteer Department and a long list of others who needed an extra set of hands. 

In addition to her time at CVPH, Judy and her husband Ron, devote many hours to the Lyon Mountain Museum. Judy grew up in Chateaugay Lake while her husband lived just a few miles east in Standish. Both are fluent in the region’s rich history and their devotion to the museum helps to preserve all of it. 

Volunteering, Judy says, offers her a chance to be with other people and be involved. “It gives me a flexible schedule too. If I can come in, I do. If people here (at CVPH) need me, they call. It works out.”


Thinking about becoming a CVPH Volunteer? Click here to learn about volunteering opportunities at CVPH.