Chelsea's Rainbow Cancer Fund

Chelsea's Rainbow Fund provides grants to cancer patients birth to twenty-six years of age.

Chelsea's Rainbow Fund

Assist families who have children with cancer and need to receive care out of the area. The Kinblom family established this fund in memory of their daughter who inspired hope, courage, and love for others.


Fund Eligibility & Criteria

Applications will be evaluated and approved by a committee appointed by The Foundation of CVPH. Financial need is the primary determinant upon which applications will be weighed - maximum annual household income is $75,000. The size of the grants are limited. Grants are awarded on an equal opportunity basis regardless of sex, color, race, creed or religion.

  • Families that have children 26 years of age and under.
  • Applicants must be residents of Clinton, Essex or Franklin Counties.
  • The fund is intended to provide financial assistance to the patient.

Complete the application here