

FitzPatrick Cancer Center’s Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program Supports Healing

Reducing stress, increasing resilience and promoting peace of mind are the goals of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) class designed specifically for cancer survivors and those on maintenance treatments. The free 8-week program begins Thursday, September 5 at 5 pm at the University of Vermont Health Network – Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital (CVPH).

According to certified instructor Charlotte Gosrich, RD, JD, MBSR can help participants become fully aware, present and accepting of things as they are which can support healing. It is the most scientifically researched training program for mindfulness. Studies show it can decrease psychological and physical suffering while increasing resilience and peace of mind. Started in the 1970s at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, MBSR is now offered in over 700 medical centers and universities worldwide.

A registered dietitian, Gosrich is part of the FitzPatrick Cancer Center team and provides nutritional counseling to those undergoing treatment for cancer.

The two and half-hour classes will include different types of formal and informal meditation, mindful movement, small group discussion and instruction on home practice. One “all day” class is included to provide participants the opportunity to practice in silence with guidance for an extended period of time.

The MBSR series is underwritten by CVPH’s Center for Occupational Health and Wellness. For more information and to register, please contact Gosrich at