Patients & Visitors

Get helpful information for patients and visitors to Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital.

Nurse with patient

For Patients

At CVPH, we're committed to providing you with the highest-quality care in an environment that supports your health and healing. Use the links below to learn more about your visit to CVPH:

Visitors to CVPH

For Visitors

Here is some helpful information for when you visit your friend or loved one:

Locations & Directions to CVPH

Locations & Directions

CVPH serves Northern New York at its main campus in Plattsburgh and other locations throughout the area.

Translation Services

Interpreter and Translation Services

At the University of Vermont Health Network, communication is essential to patient safety and comfort. We offer patients and their family members on-site and telephone or video remote interpreters available 24 hours a day, at no cost.

Circle of Healing & Hope

Reflection &
Spiritual Care

CVPH provides spiritual and emotional support to patients and families in a variety of ways: